Growing up in a loving family, I had a very happy childhood. I have many wonderful memories of spending time together with my parents and a younger sister and brother. My memories also included our weekly attendance and active involvement in our church, the United Church of Christ in Berwick, PA. After graduating from high school, I remained faithful in church, but allowed the sinful nature with which we are all born, (Romans 3:10,23) to control my life.
I Was a Good Girl,
Headed for a Bad Place
-Elizabeth Roy
Headed for a Bad Place
-Elizabeth Roy
When I was sixteen I was considered a “good girl.” I had attended the Presbyterian Church from the time I could walk; I was baptized as an infant, I was an active church member, I obeyed my parents and did well in school. And, just to make sure—I made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. I viewed it as an insurance policy just in case “being good” wasn’t enough.
There Is Nothing I Could Do to Get Myself into Heaven
-Sheri Reiss
-Sheri Reiss
While growing up, I went to church every Sunday. My grandfather made sure of that, since I would stay with him because my mother worked. I went every weekend, until the summer I turned 16 years old and got a job. I would still go to church every Sunday that I didn’t have to work.
I Didn’t Know Where I Stood with God
-Ed Reiss
-Ed Reiss
As far back in my life as I can remember, I always went to a United Church of Christ every Sunday. As a young child, I had some bizarre ideas about God and my relationship with Him. As I got older, the ideas didn’t change much. Although I attended both Sunday school and church, and was confirmed as a teenager, I never learned the teachings of the Bible, nor did I have the desire to learn them.
If I Am Truly Saved,
Why Do I Feel So Empty Inside?
-Kara Petroske
Why Do I Feel So Empty Inside?
-Kara Petroske
My name is Kara Petroske, and this is my story. From childhood to adulthood, off and on, I struggled with anger and depression. There wasn’t a rhyme or reason, just that it was there and I didn’t know why.
I Felt Like I Had Just Started Living All Over Again!
-Abbi Pasterski
-Abbi Pasterski
Have you ever desired a purpose in your life? Have you ever longed for real joy and an inner peace? My name is Abbi Pasterski, and this is my story. For several years, I lived my life trying to acquire these things. Let me tell you how I came to find them.
I Thought I Was Doing Just Fine;
Then the Lord Showed Me My Greatest Need
-Scott Pasterski
Then the Lord Showed Me My Greatest Need
-Scott Pasterski
Growing up in South Florida, I believed there was a God. I thought that all religions would eventually lead a person to God, provided they tried their best to be good and to follow that religion.
The Doctor Said the “C” Word
-Constance Nadaskay
-Constance Nadaskay
April 28, 2005, started out as any other day….for a school teacher mother of three high-school aged teenagers and wife to a husband who often traveled for work. It was a bit of an easier day because the elementary students that I teach were headed on a field trip.
If a Man Dies,
Shall He Live Again?
-John Nadaskay
Shall He Live Again?
-John Nadaskay
A man of years gone by once asked the question, “If a man dies, shall he live again?” The world is full of people that try to answer that question in a myriad of ways. Some hold to reincarnation. Others hold to a theory that death ends it all. I was brought up believing that there was a life after death.