For over 30 years, I fooled myself into believing I was a Christian. But I was really lost. My name is Beverly Hammett, and this is my story.
I Was Mad at God…
-Doug Hammett
-Doug Hammett
I was the oldest of five children. My father was a semi-professional ball player. As a child I would often go with him to the ball games and was allowed to sit in the dugout with the players.
I Confessed to God That Everything in my Life Was Wrong
-Gina Hall
-Gina Hall
My name is Gina Hall, and this is my story. I grew up in an Italian, Catholic family where I was the oldest of four children. My parents faithfully took us to church every Sunday and enrolled us all in the Catholic school.
I Found That Salvation Is a Personal Relationship with God,
Not just an Acknowledgement of God
-Jim Hall
Not just an Acknowledgement of God
-Jim Hall
My name is Jim Hall, and this is my story. I was never encouraged to read the Bible when I was growing up. My mother was very faithful in attending the Roman Catholic church. I attended the services with her until I began high school. Then I was allowed to choose for myself, whether I went to church or not. Since I saw no purpose for attending, I stopped going.
I Finally Realized I Could Not Rid Myself of My Sin;
Only God Could Take It from Me
-Robin Follett
Only God Could Take It from Me
-Robin Follett
My name is Robin Follett, and this is my story. I thought I knew Christ as my Savior when I was nine years old. I went forward during an invitation at my church, and someone explained to me what Christ did for me on the cross. I don’t remember praying or anything after that (which troubled me later in my life), but I hung on to that “experience” for 23 years.
Figuring I Wasn’t That Bad of a Person,
I Thought I Was OK with God
-Dave Follett
I Thought I Was OK with God
-Dave Follett
My name is Dave Follett, and this is my story. I am thankful for the upbringing I had. My parents were moral and took me to Sunday School every Sunday. In my teen years, I became very active in the teen group at my church and was involved in the leadership of the group.
I Was Looking for a Feeling
-Becky Fetterman
-Becky Fetterman
My name is Becky Fetterman, and this is the story of how God drew me and saved my soul. I was born into a Catholic family in Omaha, Nebraska. We always went to church. When I was quite young, I remember one service in particular when I felt “holy.” I thought it was a good feeling to have and that somehow by this feeling that I had felt God’s presence.
I Thought I Was a Good Person
-Shirley Fenstermaker
-Shirley Fenstermaker
I grew up in Allentown, PA, the oldest of five children. When I was young, my parents did not attend church. I did attend Vacation Bible School a few different summers. I also went to a program called Pioneer Girls at one church. One lady there gave me a Bible with the verse John 3:16 penned in the front of it. I sort of memorized that verse, but really didn’t understand what it meant until recently. I never really read that Bible, but for some reason I have kept it all these years. I am grateful to that lady for trying to introduce me to the Bible at such a young age.
I’ll Think about It Tomorrow
-Doris Eisenhard
-Doris Eisenhard
When I was faced with my sin and emptiness, I would brush it aside and say, “I will think about that tomorrow.” My name is Doris Eisenhard, and this is my story.
Nothing But Leaves
-Joel Dafoe
-Joel Dafoe
Hello. My name is Joel Dafoe, and I would like tell you a bit about myself. All my life I have attended church, prayed to God, and read my Bible. I learned these things as a young boy mostly because my father was the pastor of a Baptist church, and these things were expected of me.