Bible Text: Psalm 56:1-13 | Preacher: Roland Hammett | Series: Psalm Spotlight Pastor Hammett continues his series in the book of Psalms, speaking of what we should do when we…
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 | Preacher: Tom Fryman | Series: Fall Bible Conference 2016 Pastor Tom Fryman preaches the first message of the Fall Bible Conference, detailing what makes…
Bible Text: 1 Kings 17:8-16 | Preacher: Earl Rosenbalm | Series: Missions Conference 2016 Pastor Earl Rosenbalm preaches a message on the importance of trusting God
Bible Text: Genesis 11:-27-12:3 | Preacher: Earl Rosenbalm | Series: Missions Conference 2016 Pastor Earl Rosenbalm begins the 2016 Missions Conference with a message on faith
Bible Text: Psalm 37:1-40 | Preacher: Roland Hammett | Series: Psalm Spotlight Pastor Hammett continues his series in the book of Psalms
Bible Text: Joshua 6:1-6, 11-16, 20-21 | Preacher: Scott Poling Missionary Scott Poling preaches a message from the book of Joshua
Bible Text: Isaiah 7:1-16 | Preacher: Roland Hammett | Series: Highlights from Isaiah Pastor Hammett continues his series through the book of Isaiah
Bible Text: Romans 5:1-11 | Preacher: Jerry Wilhite | Series: Good News for You Bro. Jerry Wilhite begins his series on the Gospel for Winter Camp
Bible Text: Romans 4:1-25 | Preacher: Jerry Wilhite | Series: Good News for You Bro. Jerry Wilhite and his series on the Gospel for Winter Camp
Bible Text: Romans 3:19-31 | Preacher: Jerry Wilhite | Series: Good News for You Bro. Jerry Wilhite begins his series on the Gospel for Winter Camp