When I was young, neither of my parents belonged to or visited any church. In the area where I lived there was not much for children to do on the weekends. My neighborhood friends used to go to Catechism on Saturday afternoons, so I decided to join them. I completed the studies necessary for my confession and confirmation. Later, I attended church some, but going to church was more of a routine than anything else.
I Thought I Had it All
-Mike Starr
-Mike Starr
I was raised as an only child with my father in the military, so we moved around a lot. I pretty much kept to myself and was quiet growing up. My family did not get out to church very often, so I did not know a whole lot about spiritual things. What little I knew came from my mother, and she basically said I just needed to believe in God.
I Did Not Want to Face God’s Judgment without Him as my Savior
-Stacey Hammett
-Stacey Hammett
My name is Stacey Hammett, and this is my story. I was raised in a home where morality was strongly enforced. After all, we were very good Protestants and lived by the rights and wrongs of the Bible. Hopefully someday when I died, I would have my “goods and bads” weighed and end up in Heaven.
I Thought I Was a Good Person
-Shirley Fenstermaker
-Shirley Fenstermaker
I grew up in Allentown, PA, the oldest of five children. When I was young, my parents did not attend church. I did attend Vacation Bible School a few different summers. I also went to a program called Pioneer Girls at one church. One lady there gave me a Bible with the verse John 3:16 penned in the front of it. I sort of memorized that verse, but really didn’t understand what it meant until recently. I never really read that Bible, but for some reason I have kept it all these years. I am grateful to that lady for trying to introduce me to the Bible at such a young age.