My name is Dave Follett, and this is my story. I am thankful for the upbringing I had. My parents were moral and took me to Sunday School every Sunday. In my teen years, I became very active in the teen group at my church and was involved in the leadership of the group.
I’ll Think about It Tomorrow
-Doris Eisenhard
-Doris Eisenhard
When I was faced with my sin and emptiness, I would brush it aside and say, “I will think about that tomorrow.” My name is Doris Eisenhard, and this is my story.
I Really Wasn’t That Bad
-Barb Davies
-Barb Davies
My name is Barb Davies, and this is my story. As a young child, I was taken to church by my parents every week. That was just the way it was. When I was in second grade or so, I remember the preacher saying that in order for a person to go to heaven, they had to believe that Christ died, was buried and rose again from the dead. This is known in the Bible as the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me
-Suzanne Cefola
-Suzanne Cefola
I would like to tell you about the best thing that ever happened to me. Can you spare a few moments? I hope you will read on! It could change your life too! It all began on July 7, 1977. I was born to Hans and Dale Smith. I was baptized as an infant and confirmed in the sixth grade. Growing up, I was a “good girl.”
My Good Works Were Not Good Enough!
-Graeme Anderson
-Graeme Anderson
My name is Graeme Anderson, and this is my story. From my early childhood in South Africa, I remember attending a Baptist church and going to a school where the Bible was taught. My parents had a strong belief in God; their faith was evident as they gave to others and strove to place God as the head of our family.