Trail of Blood

The book, Trail of Blood, demonstrates that throughout history from the time of Christ to now there have always been New Testament Churches. These local assemblies didn’t always have a denomination name attached to them, but they believed and practiced the clear teachings of the Bible. This often led to them being persecuted and martyred by the dominant Catholic Church, leading to the title, “The Trail of Blood.”


Originally publiTrail of Blood booksshed as a small red booklet, this important booklet has been reprinted many times in different formats. The Challenge Press is one of the Lehigh Valley Baptist Church ministries. Trail of Blood is probably the book that gets reprinted here and sold the most! It has an attractive cover and has larger print than the small red booklet did, but the content is exactly the same. Inside the back cover is a fold out time-line which corresponds to the content in the book and shows visually the “trail of blood” through the centuries.

Trail of Blood timeline

  • It can be ordered through the online bookstore for $2 per book:  Order here
  • It is also available as a Kindle book: Order here
  • It is also available in Spanish, French, Korean, Russian, and Czech: Search here